On May 19, 2023, Toronto Omni Cantonese TV Channel aired the interview with TSS executive, Ricky Lau (CTO) and Alan Poon (VP Engineering).
"隨住互聯網同地球村的形成, 今時今日做生意都講求國際化. 今屆奪得最佳國際商業獎的是一間由幾名華裔創辦的半導體公司。究竟他們怎麽衝出國際市場? 怎麽面對全球眾多競爭者? 獲獎的The Six Semiconductor Inc.的其中兩人位創辦人劉偉奇及潘紹基與我們分享營商之道。"
"With the formation of the Internet and the global village, today's business is all about globalization. The winner of ACCE's Best International Business Award this year is a semiconductor company founded by several Chinese Canadians. How did they break out of the international market? How do they deal with global competition? Ricky Lau and Alan Poon, two of the founders of the award-winning The Six Semiconductor Inc., shared with us the way they operate their business."
Here is the clip that aired on May 19, 2023.